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A feeling of emotional or physical tension is commonly said to be stress. Anything that makes you frustrated, angry or nervous can trigger stress. It is a way of responding to any kind of threat or demand. Most commonly it is said to be a “ Fight-or-fight” situation. It is an action of your body to protect you. When working appropriately, causes you to remain engaged, vivacious, and alert.
In some situations, stress can really be a life savior and defend you.
Like for example if someone tries to hits you on your face your hands will automatically try to avoid that hard punch on your face.
Stress at times also helps you to increase your performance. Especially if you see yourself in a stressful position while playing any sports you will see the results to be really great in many situations. It helps you keep focused and concentrated to achieve the desired target.
But do you know beyond a certain extend stress can be really dangerous especially for your health? It can really spoil things in your life and lead you towards poor quality of life.
Overstress can really challenge your daily life and can create relationship disputes, abnormal behavior, a high level of anger, lack of sleep and in many cases can cause you to commit suicide.
Hence if one is certainly falling under too much stress for a particular reason for a longer period of time. It’s better to seek attention and take necessary action to control it.
Further stress can be categorized into two different types which are acute stress and chronic stress.
Acute Stress
Acute stress is most common in all and is caused by reactive thinking. Any negative thought caused by current events that occurred recently or with a situation that one needs to face in the mere future.
For example, if you are driving a vehicle and had a bad heated argument on the road which triggers negative thoughts can trigger acute stress. Another good example of acute stress is work to be completed on a deadline. However such kind of stress is for a short period and goes as time passes by.
Some common effects of acute stress are
Behavioral changes such as irritated or angry mood.
Feeling of depression
Muscular tension, headache, back, neck or jaw pain
Often can cause acidity due to unpleasant sleep
It may also result in increased blood pressure, heartbeat, rapid blood pressure and migraine headaches.
However, people who undergo frequent acute stress can further experience episodic acute stress.
A person who always works under pressure and the burden of too much responsibility can understand what episodic acute stress is? More often it is seen in people working closely on-target sales jobs they undergo acute stress more often.
Chronic Stress
It is one of the most harmful levels of stress a person can ever undergo. If not treated on time it can cause serious damage to your life and to your health. In such situations, a person feels to be hopeless and gives up on seeking solutions to the problem.
In today’s demanding world studies show that out of 10 almost 3 people live under chronic stress. It almost destroys every smooth functioning of the body.
If one tends to get stressed out frequently there are higher chances that he may develop chronic stress in the coming years. The Overstress level suppresses the immune system, increases the risk of heart diseases/stroke and also speeds up aging.
Some common health issues faced by overstressing are
The feeling of depression and anxiety
Body and muscle pain
Sleeping disorder
Digestive problems
Greater chances of developing heart disease and stroke
Stress increases body weight or in any case, people may also lose weight
Reproductive issues
Brain issues such as thinking problems and memory loss
Erectile Dysfunction in men and for women can lead to loss of sexual drive
Some early signs and symptoms to notice increasing stress are as follows
Intellectual Symptoms
Memory Issues
Lack of concentration
No proper judgment
Often negative thoughts
Too much worried
Some Emotional Signs
Often depressed or unhappy behavior
Mood swing, often angry or irritated
Felling of loneliness
Emotional issues
Physical Signs
Often head Ache, body and muscle pain
The feeling of tiredness or dizzy
Increased heart pulse rate
Lack of sexual desire
Week immune leads to often health issues such as cold and flu
Behavioral changes
Eating too much or very less
Sleeping disorder
Irresponsible behavior
Excessive use of drugs, alcohol or tobacco to calm
For every individual, the trigger of stress can be different. So for one who thinks the situation is stressful for others it may not.
Hence stressor moments for each one of us vary depending on the situation.
Some common causes that can lead to an increase in stressor moments are as follows.
High work pressure and responsibility
Financial Problems
Death in the family
Relationship disputes or divorce
Serious injuries and illness
Most importantly job loss
As I said for every individual a stressor moment can be different but some of the above examples are the most common causes that lead to a high level of stress in an individual.
What are some ways a person can get rid of a high-stress level?
Spend time with your loved ones or friends
It is one of the best ways to reduce stress. Studies show that people who spend quality time with their friends and family have a low-stress level. Another best way could be talking to them about the things that are making you worry so much. Maybe they can help you with some better solution as they know you better as a person.
Regular exercise lowers the stress hormones and also helps to add on numbers to your life. It is one of the best ways to reduce mental stress. It also adds a better sleep pattern and helps increase confidence in our self. Along with exercise spending, at least 15 minutes of your daily life for meditation can turn out to be the best solution to relax your mind.
Devote time for your hobbies
Hobbies make you feel happy and joyful in your life.
Spend time with your pet
Spending time with a pet can reduce stress and improve your mood. If you do not have a pet try feeding birds and animals in nature It makes you feel more pleasant.
Eat a healthy diet
Do you know the food you eat can worsen your mood and can affect to cope up with stressor moments? Try adding green vegetables, fruits and high-quality nutrients/vitamins in your daily diet. It will not only help you help reduce stress but will also help you stay healthy.
Get quality sleep
Along with a healthy diet plan is more important for you to get quality sleep to reduce stress. Make a proper time schedule for sleep and try not to avoid it. You may have heard this “ Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”.
Talk to a health expert
If you have already tried a lot of natural ways to overcome stress in your life. Yet have found no good results it is always better to get an appointment with your doctor. They can examine you and can help you with some supplements that aids to reduce stress.
Remember there can be no life without stress. Each one has some of the other stressful moments in his life. But how you deal with it is more important.