Can use of Electronic device cause infertility? An important question that needs answers! In today’s world, the use of electronic devices is all over the place. Right now, all are well dependent on electronic devices such as mobile phones, laptops, tabs, etc for communication, work, and entertainment. But, there have been very critical conditions regarding the potential effects of electronic devices on our health such as the impact on fertility. In this blog, we are exploring the question of whether electronic devices may cause infertility.

Electronic Devices Cause Infertility

Understanding Fertility

Before we start to discuss the impact of electronic devices on fertility, it is important to understand what fertility means. Fertility is the natural process to conceive a child after one year of unprotected sexual intercourse. Around 11% of couples face infertility problems. Fertility is not only a female issue. Males can also experience fertility issues that can be caused by some factors such as lifestyle, and environmental factors.

The Impact of Electromagnetic Radiation

Electromagnetic radiation is the biggest concern about electronic devices that impact fertility. Electromagnetic radiation is a type of energy emitted by electronic devices we are using in our daily routine. Research shows that exposure to electromagnetic radiation can harm sperm quality and quantity as a result males experience infertility.

Heat and Infertility

Heat is another factor that can lead to infertility. Some electronic devices such as laptops, mobile phones, and tabs generate heat which increases the temperature in the scrotum. The scrotum is the men’s reproductive structure situated under the penis that contains the testicles which create sperm. So when we put any electronic device on our thigh, it produces high temperature in the scrotum that can affect the production and quality of sperm leading to infertility issues.

The Impact of Blue Light

Electronic devices emitted blue lights that can affect sleep patterns and disrupt the body’s circadian rhythm. So, sleep disruption leads to infertility in men, as the body needs enough rest to generate reproductive hormones.

Male Infertility and Electronic Devices

Several studies conclude that a connection between electronic devices and male infertility or impotence. For example, Men who used laptops for a long time had a higher risk to have infertility because of a decrease in sperm motility and DNA damage. Men who used mobile phones lasted for four hours a day had a chance of lower sperm counts. Wrong postures can also sometimes lead to Erectile Dysfunction. In such cases, the ED treatment medications become a necessity.

Female Infertility and Electronic Devices

Some studies have also concluded the potential effects of electronic devices and female infertility. For example, a study published that women who used laptops, and mobile phones for more than 10 years on regular basis had a higher risk of infertility.

Protecting You Fertility

There are things you may do to safeguard your fertility even if there isn’t much evidence on how electronic gadgets affect conception. For example, you might restrict how often you use electronic devices, especially computers, and cell phones. To give your body a break and prevent putting electronic devices on your lap, you can also take breaks.

Other Factors That Affect Fertility

It’s crucial to keep in mind that there are a variety of factors that can impact fertility. Age, genetics, lifestyle, and underlying medical disorders are additional variables that can affect fertility. It’s crucial to speak with a healthcare provider for a thorough review if you’re having fertility problems.


In conclusion, studies continue to disagree on the effect of electronic gadgets on fertility. Although several studies have revealed a connection between electronic gadgets and infertility, the research is still limited, and additional study is required to research for the right conclusion. The use of electronic gadgets should be kept to a minimum, and you should take breaks to let your body relax, among other precautions, to safeguard your fertility. It’s crucial to speak with a medical expert for a thorough assessment if you’re having fertility problems.